For a takeover plan, where ftwilliam is calculating eligibility and entry dates,the calculation will assume the same number of hours were worked in previous years as were worked in the current year. For example, if the first year in ftw is 2018, say there's a participant on the census who was hired 1/1/2016, but only worked 700 hours in 2018. The software will make the assumption that the same number of hours were worked in 2016 and 2017 as 2018 - in this case too few to earn a year of service. So if there's a 1000 hours requirement for initial eligibility, the software will assume this participant never worked enough hours to meet eligibility.
You can use a supplemental grid to correct prior years of service as follows:
- Upload the primary census
- Add the supplemental grid 'ftw First Year Supplemental Census Grid' on the Other Imports/Exports/Reports screen.
- Click 'Edit Grid' and in each of the Prior YOS columns enter the number of prior years of service completed for each participant as needed - i.e. the years completed prior to the current year. The eligibility and entry dates will correct themselves, based on the number of years of service entered, when the data scrub is rerun.
- Run the data scrub
Note: this supplemental grid is generally added in the ‘UD Grid 1’ drop-down box. As well as supplemental data for prior years of service, you can add in-service distribution amounts which will be added back for Top Heavy testing, prior year statutory compensation, key employee indicators and indicate who was in the top paid group the prior year for first year HCE determination.