Someone should be an HCE or key and is not Someone should be an HCE or key and is not

Someone should be an HCE or key and is not

Owners and officers need to be coded correctly on both the current year and prior year censuses – ‘Percentage Ownership’, ‘Family Group’ and ‘Family Group Relation’ columns all need to be completed. The actual owner(s) should be coded as 'Principal' in the Family Group Relation column and family members should be coded by their relationship to the owner.

If it's the first year the plan is in ftwilliam, and there are people whose prior year compensation was different from that in the current year, you can enter prior year compensation on the standard first year supplemental grid - ‘* ftw First Year Supplemental Census Grid'. If the plan uses top paid group for HCE determination then just for the first year in ftwilliam you will need to indicate who was in the TPG the prior year. You can do this on in the 'Top Paid Grp Prior' column of the first year supplemental grid.

You can override the system calculation of HCEs and Keys:

  • By individual – add the following grid on the Other Imports/Exports/Reports screen : 'ftw Override HCE Key'. You will need to select Yes in the HCE/Key Override column and fill out the rest of the columns on the grid for those you need to override.
  • For all HCEs & keys – use the scrub parameters screen to set the global override and indicate who the HCEs and keys are on a supplemental grid - you can use 'ftw Override HCE Key', but you won't need to use the HCE/Key Override column since the global override is set.