Uploading Plan Administrators and Plan Responsibility Fields Uploading Plan Administrators and Plan Responsibility Fields

Uploading Plan Administrators and Plan Responsibility Fields

Users are able to add an Admin as well as alter the responsibility fields of plans through a mass upload by combining two spreadsheets found via the  Upload Company/ Plan data on the Home screen> Add/Modify Company and Plan Data.

From here, select 'Download Document Schemas', and a pop-up window will appear. Scroll to the bottom and download the ftwilliam.com Plan IDs and Sample Module Admin Files:

Once downloaded, copy the headers in columns D-O of the Sample Admin file and paste them into Column L-W of the Plan ID file. Then you are able to assign the Administrator's username as well as update the responsibility field to 'Yes' or 'No' which states whether the firm is responsible for the module.

Upon completion return to the 'Add/Modify Company and Plan Data' screen and import the file.

Please note, once submit is selected, another confirmation screen will appear to ensure the information uploaded is accurate.  If everything appears correct, select the "Perform Upload" button.

When altering data to existing plans, the following fields that should be updated, if this screen populates with Companies or Plans ADDED, cancel the upload and review the file for accuracy as updating the Admin/Resp. fields should not add new companies or plans. 

Included is link to a Short Video Tutorial on this process as well.

Note: If you wish to mass update Resp for the Portal Module, please add a column header labeled 'PortalRespForPlan' to your upload spreadsheet.