This is one of the options in the Tools/Settings men, accessible from the Compliance Menu at the top right of any screen.

The Export/Import Plan Tool allows you to easily create a back-up copy of a plan, including all plan year-ends, which you can save to your system. If you subsequently add incorrect data to the plan, e.g. upload the wrong census file, you can restore the plan, using the copy that you saved.

To use the Export/Import Plan Tool feature, follow the steps described below:

  1. Navigate to Compliance Menu > Tools/Settings > Export/Import Plan Tools, then click on ‘Export Plan’. Using the ‘Save as’ option, save the downloaded file to a convenient location. Do not open or edit this zip file.
  2. Should you wish to restore a previous version of the plan; navigate to Compliance Menu > Tools/Settings > Export/Import Plan Tools, then click on ‘Import Plan’.
    1. Select the file to import to reconstruct the plan.  (This will be the file saved from Step 1.) 
    2. Note that you will need to ‘Export Current’ plan data prior to importing the file selected. The ‘Export Current’ file is a snapshot of the plan just prior to import. We suggest saving this file as well.
    3. Click ‘Import’ to reconstruct the plan. Larger files with multiple plan years may take a bit longer to upload; however, the progress of the upload will be displayed on the screen.
  3. You may wish to include saving a backup file periodically; annually for example, as part of your firm’s procedures.