Log-In Procedures for the Portal (Effective November 1, 2012)(and what You Should Expect) Log-In Procedures for the Portal (Effective November 1, 2012)(and what You Should Expect)

Log-In Procedures for the Portal (Effective November 1, 2012)(and what You Should Expect)

Please click here to review the email that we sent out on 1/21/13 regarding the 5500 portal experience.

Once your client has logged into the Portal for the first time, he/she will update his/her password (he/she may choose a new password or enter the same password you provided him/her to log in initially to the Portal). After the initial log in to the Portal, you will no longer see the password displayed in the Invitation Email and you will no longer be able to set the password under "Work with Signers/Portal Users." Rather, you will see the option to "Reset Password," which sends an e-mail to your client to reset his/her password. The e-mail contains a link for your client to follow, which logs him/her into the Portal and he/she is then prompted to enter a new password. The "Reset Password" e-mail comes from the following address: donotreply <donotreply@ftwilliam.com>.

Your clients will need to answer the three challenge questions only upon the initial login to the Portal. When your clients answer these questions, this will allow them to reset their password in the future in the instance where they may forget their password.

You may want to consider having your clients go through the login process to the Portal prior to the height of the filing season, so they will be familiar with the changes as well. You may also provide them with a link to the Portal Help Guide, which shows them the steps for logging in, etc. (Note: the topics covered in this Help Guide may or may not be applicable to your clients).