The following instructional guide will walk through the process of obtaining templates and uploading completed 8955-SSA information for page 1 and 2 for a single plan.
1. Open the 5500 Module of the plan requiring an 8955-SSA ensuring you select the correct form year.
2. Within the "8955-SSA" box, click on "Upload."
3. Select either "Page 1 CSV Upload" or "Participant CSV Upload" to continue (Note: You will not be able to select "Participant CSV Upload" until you have added a Form 8955-SSA to the plan).
4. From here you may upload the completed template file. You are also able to obtain a copy of a sample upload template or download any existing page 1 data for this plan.
- Enter the number of rows to ignore before the header row (Note: If you do not have any rows entered above the column header, leave the default number as “0” as shown below, and select the Submit button.)
- Once you finish with page 1, select the return button at the bottom left-hand side of the screen.
5. Next, import the Participant information for page 2, select "Participant CSV Upload"
6. From here you may upload the completed template file. You are also able to get a copy of the upload template or download any existing page 2 data for this plan within this upload screen.
- Enter the number of rows to ignore before the header row (Note: If you do not have any rows entered above the column header, leave the default number as “0” as shown below, and select the Submit button.)
- Once you finish importing page 2, select the return button at the bottom left-hand side of the screen
7. Once you return to the "Form 5500-Year" screen, your Form/Participant Data should be displayed
- You may select the hyperlinks next to each page to review and confirm the information on the forms
- You may also select to run all edit checks from the 8955-SSA window to ensure the data is ready to file