How do I Amend a 5500 Filing that was not Originally Filed through How do I Amend a 5500 Filing that was not Originally Filed through

How do I Amend a 5500 Filing that was not Originally Filed through

If the filing was not submitted to the DOL originally through, you may use "55-Autofill" to bring in the filing information from the DOL.  After you have brought in the filing from the DOL, you will prepare the filing as if you were preparing a new filing, but you will want to ensure you select the "Amended Return/Report" box on the Form 5500 and make any necessary changes. Note: all schedules and attachments from the original filing must be included with the amended filing; you will not only file the items that were amended.  Therefore, all items from the original filing, including the amended items, will be submitted to the DOL with the amended filing.  Please see EFAST2 FAQ #Q4 for additional information.

After running your edit checks, adding any attachments that are needed and adding your signer to the filing under "Work with Signers/Portal Users," you will lock the filing and invite your client to sign.

If you have the original DOL ACKID for the filing, prior to inviting your client to sign, you may provide with the ACKID and we will insert the ACKID into the schema of the filing so the amended filing will replace the original filing on the DOL's website. If you do not have the original ACKID this will not cause issues, there will just be two records for this filing on the DOL's website.

Please click here to view a demonstration of this process or click here to review our 5500 FAQ on this topic for additional information.